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Mid-stream (Oil and Gas) company Deployed Unvired Safe Work Permit App to enable Digital Workflow
Mid-stream (Oil and Gas) company in Canada deployed the Unvired Safe Work Permits app (powered by Unvired Turbo Apps) to digitize paper-based Forms and enable Digital Workflow.

Mid-stream (Oil and Gas) Company
Company– Mid-stream Company from Calgary, Canada
Industry– Oil & Gas
Solution– Unvired Safe Work Permits app powered by Unvired Turbo Apps.
Business Challenges
- Inefficient work processes – manual data entry.
- Enable digital workflow for quick authorizations.
- Lack of data validation & consistency in data capture
- Lack of real-time data & insights
Converted paper-based Work Permit Forms and enabled Digital Workflow using Turbo Apps
- Supervisors share the form with external contractors using the Turbo Apps portal.
- External contractors fill Work Permit on mobile and send to Permit Issuer (Supervisors) for review and signature.
- Once the Permit Issuer signs the permit, the permit is sent back to the receiver (external contractors).
- After work is done, the Permit Receiver signs the permit to notify the Issuer that the work is completed.
- Permit Closure: The permit issuer signs the permit. A notification is sent to the receiver that the permit is now closed.
- Dynamic forms- hide or show forms based on risk level
- Hot Work, Cold Work, Confined Space & more.
- Attach documents/pictures
- Electronic Signatures
- More Efficient Permitting process
- Enhanced Safety
- Maintenance/Repairs completed quicker
- More efficient audits
About Customer
Mid-stream Oil and Gas company based in Calgary, Canada.
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