Work Smarter by turning Voice enabled conversations with Enterprise systems into actions.
Voice-Enabled Bots
Unvired enables businesses to Work Smarter by turning NLP enabled conversations with Enterprise systems into actions.
Voice is predicted to be a dominant interface with systems in a few years. Speech is the most natural way for humans to communicate. Speech recognition technologies and the push by companies like Amazon with their Alexa Assistant as well as Google with its Google Assistant are now bringing Voice to the enterprise.
Unvired has built voice applications for Procurement and Sales using Google Assistant. The Procurement app enables vendors to check Invoice status, payment status and other details by “talking” to their Android phones. The Sales Assistant enables the salesperson to “talk” to their Android phones and get account related information. As Talking is more natural than text, this Simplifies Work and also makes users more productive. Unvired is also familiar with building skills for Amazon Alexa.
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