Recently, we requested one of our customers in Oil and Gas to share the benefits they have generated by moving away from a paper-based Safe Work Permit process to a digital one. This customer has deployed the Unvired Safe Work Permit app. Here is what they told us in their own words:
- Reduction of paperwork
Eliminates the need to store a bunch of paper permits.
- Increased Productivity:
Using the app allows permits to be sent to contractors before they get to the site so that the permit can be started before they arrive at the site. This allows them to be prepared for the work when they arrive and can go straight to completing their hazard assessments/toolbox meetings and starting work. This results in:
- Decreased errors
- Greater Safety
- Better Compliance
The app allows fields to be made mandatory ensuring that all the required fields are filled out. Sometimes with the paper permits, information is not on all the copies of the permits. Thus, the copy the operators get is missing some information including signoff by the permit user and completion of the permit. It ensures that everybody has all the information without having to gather all the copies of the permit. The app allows some fields to become drop boxes to fill out the information. This makes certain information more consistent. Picking from a list in certain areas can remind people of some options they might miss when filling the permit out.
- Better Reporting
Using the app allows you to set up reporting to track some information and statistics in real-time.
- Other benefits
One of the reasons we originally looked for an electronic option for permitting was to limit interactions between people during COVID-19. Rather than passing paper around or having the permit issuer and user in the same room, the app allowed us to limit the number of people coming through the control room.
Also Read: Caution: Have You Got Your Digital Safe Work Permits?
Let us know if you want to discuss moving to Digital Safe Work Permits.