Unvired Mobile Platform (UMP) has added a new connector to support files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Now mobile applications can get files as attachments from an FTP source. This is an addition to the attachment service offered in the platform to transfer files to and from the mobile device.
Example Use:
A medical equipment company has released a new set of products and newer models of the existing products. New sales drive is planned where the sales executives visit the customers to show the latest products. All the latest product collateral is organized in a file server based on product categories. Using the Unvired solution the updates to the files can either be pushed to the sales executives’ iPad. Or the sales executives can get the latest product collateral on-demand from the Unvired iPad application. Sales executives can use the latest product collateral in the customer meetings and forward the product collateral to the customers from the Unvired mobile app. Sales executives get access to all the required information on the iPad seamlessly without any fuss.
How it works:
FTP servers can be configured as source systems in the UMP. UMP facilitates the transfer of files between the mobile applications and the FTP server without bothering the mobile application about the technical details. The mobile application will just receive the required attachments and upload the attachments to UMP using the standard UMP attachment service.
The following features are supported in the UMP FTP adapter:
- List – List the directory and files to navigate the files
- Get – Get the file
- Upload – Upload a file
- Delete – Delete the file