Unvired Mobile Platform trials were primarily available via the Unvired Mobile Cloud. We are now offering on-premise evaluations of the Unvired platform also starting immediately. Read on to get the details.
We have now simplified On-premise evaluation and you can have your own trial instance of UMP running within your landscape in 15 minutes flat. The process is extremely simple. Apply for an on-premise trial and receive a virtual image and trial provisioning guide along with the trial license.
The UMO virtual image can be run within Oracle Virtual Box (http://virtualbox.org). If you have a commercial license of VMWare Player (http://www.vmware.com/products/player/) the virtual image can be used within that also. Once the virtual image is imported and started, the entire process of viewing the data on your mobile devices should not take more than 15 minutes.
Sounds too good to be true? Submit your request for a free on-premise trial here and test drive the best mobile platform for enterprises.